B i o g r a p h y
Lyric Coloratura Soprano Cinzia Centonza began her studies when she was 10, in Puglia, South of Italy, where she was born, attending private piano lessons for five years. In Tuscany, she attended Humanistic studies taking an Art degree, together with the high level degree at prestigious Florence Conservatory of Music Luigi Cherubini, both with honours. 
She improved her singing and vocal techniques with the Soprano Slavka Taskova, the baritones Renato Bruson, Claudio Desderi and Mauro Trombetta, at the “International Academy Opera Theatre” in Rome, then at the “G.Verdi Opera Academy” in Terni and at the “Voice Academy” in Turin, and with Conductors such as M° Carlo Palleschi, Fabrizio Carminati and Daniele Agiman. 
Her dubut in November 2008, with La Traviata, in the title role, with numerous wonderful critics, and she distinguished in the same year in various concerts and festivals for young artists, like the Toscana Opera Festival and the series of Opera Concerts at Theatro dell'Opera in Rome. 
Since then she performed on stage all the main roles for Lyric Coloratura Soprano, such as Lucia Di Lammermoor, Adina in Elisir d'Amore, Norina in Don Pasquale, Musetta in La Bohème, Lisette in La rondine, Gilda in Rigoletto, Barbarina and Susanna in Le nozze di Figaro and so on... (see repertoire attached), working and perfectioning with conductors like Roberto Gianola, Daniele Agiman, Fabrizio Carminati, Fabrizio da Ros, Maurizio Morgantini, Christian Pollack, Vladimir Boshnakov, and directors like Ivan Stefanutti, Annegret Ritzel, Giammaria Romagnoli, Alberto Paloscia and Corinna Boskovsky. 
She had a two years working period with italian Pavarotti Foundation with concerts e Tournee in Italy and USA. 
Winner of the 2nd price at Alberto Gori Competitio in Siena 2009, of the Special price “Schiavone” at the 2° “Arturo Toscanini” International Competition in Manfredonia (Fg) in 2001, and of the web contest “Il Buongiorno si vede dal talento”, promoted by Nutella Ferrero in cooperation with Pavarotti International Foundation, for wich she was voted by the public audience on web. She also was finalist at Martinelli Pertile Competition in 2013 and at Forlì Competition in 2016. 
Among her most important experiences, like the international ones with Pavarotti Foundation mentioned before, two long Traviata tournee in Germany theaters for Austrian Schlote Productions in 2014 and this year 2017, the Massa Marittima Opera Festival in 2014 and Mahler 4th Synphony in Rome with Nova Amadeus Orchestra in 2015. 
She has already sung in several sacred compositions like Requiem K626 by W.A.Mozart, Gloria by Vivaldi, Stabat Mater by Rossini and keeps on singing in concerts and recitals from Belcanto to Opera, Chamber and Sacred Music while she improves her repertoire with M° Mauro Trombetta, who was in years artistic director of the most important Opera Houses in Italy and Europe.